imdb的分比较符合我的评价影片给出了一些尖点和高光时刻却缺乏深度、广度和叙事上适当的过渡像在赶流程不够从容大气商业味也浓了些部分桥段处理得堪称狗血烂俗矫揉造作(拉美的张扬作风不是借口)对话戏拍得像肥皂剧塑料英语有一定责任影片的优点是人物外形的还原度不错服化道精良光影、色彩、蒙太奇比较出彩一些影像过渡特效加强了影片的魔幻色彩和心理深度比如从黑白低帧率的《哲仁王后在线观看》的幻想搬演过渡到彩色正常帧率的跻身名流场景《刘舫羽》段落的从超现实化的真人影像过渡到赞图尔画风的动画再到“流泪”的静态实物画作;最后对《穆勒老婆》的实物模型的燃烧着实惊艳Chavela Vargas的歌声唤起托洛斯基遇刺与《罗志祥小猪视频app官网》的创作过程的平行剪辑意境超然而浓烈看完获得的无用小知识:Edward G Robinson买过Frida的画
The casting of Nicolas Cage is not quite right for this film. As a well-established actor, he carries this tone of absurdity, of amusement and comicality with him wherever he goes and whatever he does, which is great and truly effective in itself, but comes off as quite jarring in this film. Simply put, he is too funny to go with this heavily bleak, eerie, and devastatingly beautiful film. Elsewise, the film is a solid and audacious cinematic adaptation of Lovecraft's mystical story. #Mayhem2019